Thursday, November 17, 2011

The marvelous and wonderful subconscious mind 1

Like it or not, the words we say to ourselves and what we focus on
about life, about ourselves, and about others shape our beliefs,
attitudes and feelings. Think of your thoughts as the keyboard... the
data entry to your mind (Your mental computer).
When you centre your attention (the data input) you're not
good enough, what other people have done to you, how unfair life is, worrying about the worst possible outcome...... all the direction of your thoughts, chemicals that act like powerful depressants surge
through your body, causing you to become even more frightened,
depressed and worried as the moments tick by.

Whenever these kinds of thoughts are allowed to "pop in", you simply cannot perform at peak levels in any area of your life. If it's
allowed to go on habitually, consistently positive outcomes become
impossible. Your incredible potential, along with your happiness, can turn non-existent.

It's very common and, often, it is this single mental habit... the
focusing of too much attention on what is or might be wrong, that's
destroyed more dreams and bright futures of more people, living and dead, than all other habits combined.
The beliefs and attitudes that allow these vicious thought habits to
flourish develop over time, and can come from many sources including criticism or any particularly painful past event(s), your body's appearance or physical limitations, and even just imagined
consequences. They can feed off one another, spinning you out of
control until anxiety and self consciousness literally take over your
whole being.
Our inner thoughts and feelings, if allowed to change, can transform
a lifelong loser into a champion in every sense of the word. If you
learn to focus on what's good in your life, instead of what's wrong.
Blast through your doubts to adopt habitual "I Can" beliefs which
will steer your career and your relationships where you want them to go – this isn't positive thinking either. And, of course, learn to
enjoy your hours and days, making life a fun, rewarding adventure,
just like people who seem to enjoy life so naturally...

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