Thursday, November 17, 2011

The marvelous and wonderful subconscious mind 2

Unlike the logical, and objective conscious mind, subcon is
subjective,  independent of the five senses,intuitive, non-
reasoning, impersonal, and, non-selective.

1. Subcon acts as a store house of memory (computer). Everything you
ever heard saw, tasted, felt and smelled is locked in those
billions of cells called your brain.
2. It regulates your involuntary functions - breathing etc.
3. It is the seat of your emotions, which are under it's control – not that of conscious mind.

4. It is the seat of your imagination.
5. It controls habitual conducts like walking, driving a car, etc.
6. It is the dynamo that directs your energy and it's source.
A common analogy when discussing the subconscious is that if the brain is the computer, the subconscious mind is the programme that is running.
If you were to weigh the brain of someone with a low IQ and compare it to the weight of that of Albert Einstein, there would be no difference to speak of.
The really clever, high achievers of this world do not take an unusually large hat size. They are the same as the rest of us.
The subconscious, as opposed to our conscious mind, controls our life much more than we would care to admit.
Our conscious mind knows we have destructive habits like smoking or over eating, but is powerless to over-ride them because habits are controlled by the subconscious.
You may agree that house spiders are harmless, but your subconscious still makes you terrified of them. You just can't help it, you are at the mercy of your subconscious.
Imagine that as a small child you got poor marks for sight-reading in a music exam. Imagine how disappointed you might have felt.
Your subconscious might have quickly developed the totally irrational belief that you are a lousy sight-reader, and because that is such a deep belief in the subconscious you are sentenced for life. So who says what programmes we run in our subconscious?
 Do we accept regular 'free updates'?
Do we actually know what software we are running anyhow?
Keep thinking in these terms and you can turn your whole life around permanently and for the better by downloading positive software.
What we believe about ourselves is housed in our subconscious and it is possible to easily erase self destructive programmes.
We learn in many ways.
You touch a stinging nettle and very quickly you learn not to touch one again.
 We learn the scale of C sharp Melodic Minor by constantly repeating and repeating it. When we are interested and absorbed in a subject we learn very fast.
When we have to learn boring empirical formulae for some chemistry test, the information refuses to stick in our minds.
Our state of mind controls our learning.
When we were very young we were either encouraged or discouraged to learn by our parents and other adults. Sadly research shows that for every 'yes' a child hears there are twenty or more 'no's. Is it any wonder we lose the skill of learning how to learn?
The problem with most goals is that they are usually vague and general.
We don't clarify our outcomes in detail and then determine exactly how we're going to get there. To get what you want, you need to know what you want and you need to know what you want before you can communicate it.
Take time to answer the following questions in detail so that your goal, or outcome, is well-formed in both your mind's eye and in your heart.
This format will assist you in transforming your dreams and desires into achievable goals. For best results, your goal should be thought of in a specific way.
1. What do you want?
Your goal must meet certain criteria for you to achieve the best results. It must be stated in the positive (not what you don't want).
It must be something initiated or controlled by you (not, I want someone else to do X).
 It must be as specific as possible.
2. What will having that (your outcome) do for you?
Ask this question for question 1 (What do you want?).
Ask it again of the first answer you just got to question 2.
Ask it again of that answer.
This will give you the "meta outcome" behind what you want (at this point you can adjust what you want, or not.)
3. How will you know when you have it?
  Describe what you will see, hear and feel upon achievement.
Be very specific here and fill in as much detail as possible.
 Describe a full sequence of your achievement.
4. How will I know when you have it?
Describe what an outsider would see, hear and feel (e.g., they will see me stand taller and move with deliberation).
What will they notice different about you (when you have your outcome)?
  5. Where, when, and with whom do you want it?
Have a clear context for your goal. Be specific, and describe in detail where, when (time frame), and with whom (who will be there with you?).
  6. What stops you from having it already?
This will help you identify the barriers to your achievement: the areas to be aware of and that must be handled in order to achieve.
7.How will your desired outcome affect other areas of your life?
This is a part many people overlook. It reflects on the "ecology" of your life.
 How will this outcome affect the system that is your life?
Note both positive and negative consequences of achieving this goal.
  8. What resources do you already have that will contribute to getting your outcome? Take stock of what you already have available to assist you (experience, friends, tools…) in your quest. 9. What additional resources do you need in order to get your outcome?
What else do you need? Step back and be specific.
This will give you fuel for action, and resources to pursue.
10. How are you going to get there?
Is the first step specific and achievable?
Is there more than one way to get there? Be creative.
 Take the time necessary to take your goals through this process.
 This works great on changing unproductive behaviours as well.
 Work it, the rewards will be worth it.
Thinking of the messages between David and the others, I do think that there are some basic guidelines needed, and they have to be said loud and clear.
I'll try and show you what I mean. This recipe comes hot off the presses from a newsletter absolutely devoted to healthier eating in line with Scriptural principles. See what you make of it.

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