Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Have you ever fallen short of a desired outcome over and over and then made the slightest little teeny adjustment and it worked out  great?

Most people think that success, even at easy stuff is beyond
them. "I'm so stupid." "I'm just no good at that." This might sound obvious, but, "Those thoughts are DEADLY to your potential!" You don't even have to SAY them. Just the most fleeting thought in that direction can cripple the largest undertaking. Say instead, "That's not like me. I can do better than that."

When you fall short of a certain goal repeatedly, you need to realise that your expectations are MOST of the time fulfilled. You must expect to succeed. Not logically, but emotionally. This is why 95% of the time, most of the world will fall flat in trying to lose weight, quit smoking, permanently eliminating the piles of papers around them, etc.

Experience indicates that it is simple. Maybe even easy. If you start to think
that you could and are able to start things with absolute certainty that you could do a job, you could do it well and you can develop the habit of seeing and feeling the outcome before you even start. It's a beautiful thing to behold. It doesn't always work out but the confidence sure gets you off your backside, ready to take your swings. The power of your mind is limitless.

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