Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dreams how they can help us...

Dreams are experienced by all of us both consciously and sub-
consciously. The former can take the form of daydreaming or
visualizing, the latter, generally during times of slumber. They give

rise to an experience, which gives us visions of various occurrences
that may be future, present or past. It is what is created and how
these visions evolve that is the basis for our ideas.

Dreams are common to us all. We have wild dreams, pleasant dreams,
and occasionally we are unfortunate enough to have nightmares.
Our "wildest dreams" are something we generally associate with
excitement and total euphoria. The _expression, "It's beyond my
wildest dreams" indicates that the current experience has exceeded
what we had originally thought as possible. This is truly an amazing
experience when achieved. However, knowing your dreams can be
exceeded lends itself to the idea that we should put more time into
developing this area and diversify our thinking.

Our dreams are the cornerstone of our existence. Without them, we,
like a comet in space, find ourselves pushed along by external
forces. The purpose of this is for you to ascertain what is important
to you and to create ways for their realization. It will guide you
through many facets and challenges that you will face along the way,
bringing you closer to achieving those things that are dearest to
you. This all starts with your dreams. They are mandatory for your
life to take your most favored direction. You may not undertake
everything you ever dream about, but it is here where you will
commence. This is your starting point!

The ideas and concepts they present are things that we want, long
for, crave, wish for, desire, fancy, like, have no idea about or are
things that were simply thought up with seemingly no relevant basis
whatsoever! Dreams are the birthplace of your goals! It is here where
they are bounced around in your mind to determine their importance to
you. All the goals you will ever set for yourself during your
lifetime, will at first, be born as dreams.

Dreams are paramount, as they will provide you with your interests,
your goals, your leisure etc. They are the first step in giving your
life the direction it will take. Since goals are a vital by-product
of dreams, we need to compile a comprehensive "dream list" from which
we can commence our journey.

If you think this is somewhat far fetched then I ask you to consider
this as the starting point for you "in going all the way" with what's
important to you! Throughout, you will discover significantly about
what makes you tick and what direction you want to take. It will lead
you to becoming extremely honest with yourself, insofar as the person
you are, and the person you want to be. Success is most definitely a
journey not just a point of arrival. If you are ready for this trip,
let's start now!

Now that we have established the importance of our dreams, we would
be well advised to come clean with ourselves by honestly and openly
putting our dreams down on paper, therefore laying them out directly
in front of us.

A dream list will comprise all things that we want, wish for, lust
for, need, desire, think about, like the idea of - anything of a
positive nature really. For example, you may want to swim the English
Channel, climb the Eiffel Tower, fly to the Moon, yearn to live in
five or more different countries, learn another language or two, move
to a remote island, see every game your football team plays at their
home stadium, give up work, learn a musical instrument, control your
anger,  have more leisure time, take up abseiling, travel the French
Loire Valley, live in your "dream home", and the list goes on. This
list is virtually inexhaustible.

As you can see you can't let feasibility get in the way. This is a
dream list and dream lists contain everything you dream about. As I
said earlier, you must be totally honest with yourself. Do not let
yourself down here. Do not treat this lightly and do not laugh it
off, as we are about to create a starting point for you to pursue
your innermost desires. Your dreams must be put onto paper to be
realized, otherwise they will remain in the dungeons of your mind,
never getting the opportunity to surface into the open air or the
chance for fruition that they richly deserve.

A dream list is a list created in a short brainstorming session by
you and you alone, followed by countless future additions as you
think of them. It is vitally important that this list contains as
near as possible to everything that you dream about doing. It doesn't
need to be feasible. It doesn't even have to be real. It must however
contain an abundance of positives. You want to draw on positive
energy and go berserk with your wildest dreams.

You owe it to yourself to be the best you possibly can at what you
do. So, be 110% honest with yourself. Remember, this list is for you
and you alone. It means nothing to anybody else. It is a treasure
map. We will follow this map, your map. But you must draft it first.

First of all, brainstorm a list on paper taking around 15 minutes to
do so. Then after you've done your first copy, use your word
processor, text editor or your preferred software to make it look
professional and then print it out. This way you have an honest
listing of your dreams right in front of you (and legible too). They
become a little more real and tangible when you can see them in plain
black and white.

You may be able to put together a couple of pages of your dreams. If
you can muster only ten or so then, you're, either not putting enough
work into it or aren't being honest enough with yourself, or both.
You are a very deserving person about to take off. Give yourself the
respect and honesty you deserve and go wild. There is no general rule
of thumb, but if you can get 60+ dreams on to your list within a 15-
minute period or thereabouts then you are really getting somewhere.
This isn't something you need to stress about. Include only things
that mean something to you. Don't include ridiculous things simply to
get your numbers up. Even if it makes you laugh, then write it down.

If you have problems getting much down onto paper, consider winding
the clock back to when you were a six-year-old child. Back then there
were no thoughts of practicality or reality amongst your dreams and
ideas. No restrictions at all. These thoughts were free from the
distractions of how, why and when. My three-year-old nephew recently
told me how he wanted to be a policeman, fireman and a doctor. Okay,
he's ambitious you may think. That's a major understatement as he
fancied trying his hand at all three simultaneously. I cringed at the
thought. He just smiled at my reaction. If you dream about doing
something then include it. It warrants attention.

Listing your dreams stimulates your inner and natural creativity. It
opens your imagination and unleashes inventiveness. As you compile
and review this list , other ideas will come into your head; get them
down while they're fresh. At some point after your brainstorm, you
may decide that a particular dream doesn't suit your needs and can
therefore be discarded. However, for you to decide this it must
firstly be included. Many of your dreams won't be discarded. It is
only prudent to build a careful, yet abundant selection of dreams
that you may not even come close to fully achieving during your given
days. This compares favorably to an empty list of nothing meant to
bring excitement, fun and meaning into your life. Groom your list as
you see fit, but it is imperative that you have it fine-tuned. Don't
be too hasty with the discarding - remove only those ones that were
making up the numbers.

Now, take a pen and paper, put any distractions (including hesitancy)
aside and start recording your dreams and desires. You must look at
this free of any pangs from external sources. This is your list and
your list alone. It means nothing to anyone else. However, the value
of your list can be likened to that of The Crown Jewels sitting in
The Tower Of London.

Take 15 minutes now and write down as many things onto your "dream
list" that you possibly can.

Fifteen minutes later... congratulations. You have just completed
your first draft of your very own personal dream list. Now, while
you're hot onto it transpose this list on to your hard drive using MS
Word or something similar. As you do this groom the list a little as
we just mentioned and there you have a professional plan right before

As you look at this list priorities everything according to interest
and importance. Add where required. Delete as needed. Make
this "dream list" appealing, professional and above all else,
personal and ready for use.

Dreaming is a very positive form of development. This is because no
negative dreams will creep into your dream list. As you look to your
list, the contents should be giving you quite a smile. If not then
look at them again. Some will be funny. Some will be important. Some
may be ridiculous. Some others will be of vital importance to you.
Others may fade off into oblivion as you mentally prioritize what you
have done into a logical order.

Your dreams have no limit. Dreams are dreams. Only self-imposed
restrictions will impair them. They optimize your sub-conscious. Your
sub-conscious works when you daydream or sleep, creating new dreams
and developing current and older ones. It can even create a plan when
fed enough positive and stimulating energy.

Dreams also give you direction and in a broader sense, focus. They
can be vague but your dreams are really what you see and what you may
want to achieve. There is also an element of feeling associated with
dreams, as they are very real. Emotion can run high. Generally, this
emotion brings a realistic vision before us in our mind. Due to the
closeness between our dreams and ourselves, their meaning can go
deeper than we would ordinarily associate them with.

Focus comes from concentrating on something, which is important and
needs to be done. A dream is an aspiration - a cherished hope. Dreams
are generally things we believe to be outside our immediate grasp.
Therefore, until developed, remain a hope.

Therein lies a secret too. Although, not yet achievable the mere
dream itself is powerful enough to draw your interest in taking a
particular direction. Dependant upon your level of aspiration will be
your focus. This is the difference between your wildest dreams and
your pipe dreams. You will devote more attention to those dreams you
really aspire to. Hence, elevating them in importance to you.

You will then tend to leave the pipe dreams for what they are and put
your energies into where your heart is.

Dreams can be very moving. Look at your list. When imagining
undertaking those at the top of your list do you get butterflies in
your stomach? If so, then you have been very honest with yourself. If
not then you may want to start again and really own up to yourself as
to who and what you ultimately want to be and do. Listen to your gut
feeling and have the courage to put it down on paper. Don't be self-
conscious about what others may think. This is for you! Your top-
level dreams need to move you for you to be prompted to do anything
about them.

It is these dreams that bring before us a clear vision of what we
want. Emotion is a very important aspect of dreaming. Emotion is very
strong within us all and plays an important role daily. If the dream
appeals to our emotion then it gets to take its place on our team.
With high emotion involved with our thoughts and dreams, a huge nexus
between our cherished dreams and ourselves is created. Their meaning
becomes deeper and is held in higher esteem with deserved respect.

Dreams really are a powerful army of strength. Harness their energy
and they will deliver you to the starting point of your success that
you so richly deserve. It's true; many of our dreams are mixed, some
lasting only a few seconds. Some make lasting impressions while
others wane away into nothing before we wake leaving virtually no
impression whatsoever.

It may be hard to fathom, but as adults we have quite a say in the
topics and the moods of our dreams. For example since I learned to
harness the power within the creative sub-conscious and the
importance of my dreams and goals, I now look at the world in
abundance and many of my ideas and thoughts are reflected throughout.
I know from my own experience that I occasionally wake up early in
the morning with not just an idea, but seemingly its application as
well. Hurriedly I scurry out of bed to the desk and, with both eyes
only half open and not having a real sense of physical direction, I
begin to frantically store the thoughts of my sub-conscious on paper(too early too bash away at the keypad I'm afraid). The concept has
been captured. Expanding on this isn't very difficult when the
concept lies before you in dry ink. However, like everything - it
needs a beginning. Just listen to your dreams.

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