Monday, October 31, 2011

You decided to workout and now what?

 So far I mentioned that in order to choose the perfect weight loss program which will work for you it is important to learn some basic information.
And since I decided to make this blog to share my experience in weight loss with you all I think it’s better if I also share with you this information and not let you search it elsewhere.

So for starters here some basics about exercise:

Types of Exercise

There are two types of exercise: anaerobic and aerobic. Aerobic (with oxygen) training involves the use of the heart. Aerobic training is commonly referred to as cardiovascular training. Walking and biking are examples of aerobic training. Anaerobic (without oxygen) training does not involve the heart. Instead, it relies on energy stored within the muscles. Strength training is an example of anaerobic training.

Workout Frequency

The frequency of an exercise program can vary depending on fitness level and personal goals. Three or more workouts per week are preferred.

Workout Duration

The duration of a workout can be very brief, or it can last for several hours. Thirty minutes to 1hour is typical.

Workout Intensity

Always start with a light resistance level then gradually work your way up.

Sets and Reps

A rep (short for repetition) is any motion or exercise that is done repeatedly. A set is a grouping of repetitions. Repetition range can vary depending on factors such as the muscle being trained and fitness level. Consider starting with 10 reps and 2 to 3 sets per exercise.

Workout Assistance

Never exceed your known physical limits. Always seek the assistance of a professional before performing difficult exercises.

Breathing Technique

The contraction of a muscle during exercise is referred to as the concentric phase of the movement. The goal is to try to exhale as you contract the muscle (e.g. breathe out while you push). Inhalation should take place during the eccentric phase or opposite movement.

Useful resources:

Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training for Women 

Workouts For Dummies

The Now What? Fitness Series Collection Complete 6-Book Set Simplifying A Total Health And Fitness Plan Including Cardio, Strength Training, Healthy Nutrition, Working Out At Home And In The Gym

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