Showing posts with label WeightLoss Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WeightLoss Advice. Show all posts

Thursday, August 10, 2017

7 Quick And Easy Cooking Tricks To Banish Your Boring Diet And Burn Fat Faster

Intro  :  
A few words from our kitchen... 

If you're reading this right now, that means one thing: you're on a mission to accelerate fat loss and get rid of your boring diet.  You've been there and done that. You've tried other diets in the past and have come to see less than stellar results, likely despite some of your best efforts.  Now you're looking for something else – something new, something fresh, and
something that will actually work for a change.
The good news is that by reading this report, you're going to arm yourself with
some of the most useful information you could have as far as fat loss goes.
You see, whether or not you are successful with the mission of losing body fat will come down to about 80% of your dietary effort.  You can work out for hours as hard as you like in the gym (which isn't recommended by the way – you should be training smarter, not harder) but despite all this effort, if you haven't dialled in your diet and found a proper nutrition set-up that fosters fat burning in the body, you're never going to see the results that you're looking for.
Let's give you a quick example.
As the calorie stats rank up, if you were to go into the gym and workout for 45
minutes doing the following activities, this is how many calories you would burn:
Weight lifting: 321 calories
Jogging: 458 calories
Cycling: 375 calories
Using the elliptical: 420 calories
Circuit Training: 429 calories
Yoga: 235 calories
You can see there is some variety there.  Now, let's look at the calories contained
in some of your favourite foods:
Pizza: 250-400 calories/slice
1 cup ice cream: 250-500 calories (depending on variety)
Bagel with peanut butter and jelly: 400 calories
A plate of Spaghetti: 627 calories
Slice of cheesecake: 300-800 (depending on variety and size)
Chocolate Chip Cookie: 100-250
See how quickly those calories add up?  This is precisely why you must make sure you're eating correctly.  As far as weight loss is concerned, it very much is a
the process of maintaining the correct energy balance and if you're consuming too
much 'junk' food then it's going to be very difficult to do this despite hard
workouts.  You can quickly take in the calories that you burned off in any given
workout session, if not more, in just two to three minutes of high-calorie eating.
If you want success, diet needs to be a priority.
Now, the big problem with many people is they will start up on a diet and see great results initially, but after a few weeks have passed by, things take a turn for the worse.  Either they maintain the diet but it just doesn't produce the same rate of weight loss that it did before because their metabolism has crashed and you're burning off calories at a snail's pace or they fall off the diet due to boredom.
Let's face it, most diets are B-O-R-I-N-G.  They have you eating the same five to six foods over and over and over again, never offering any variety.  Basically, you have to go about the diet in one particular way or you might as well forget it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5 Ways To Get Rid Of The Baby fat

1. Breastfeeding
Many women who have recently given birth are always interested in attempting to
lose some of that extra weight that traditionally accompanies having a baby.
What many of these women do not entirely realize is the fact that breast-feeding
can not only help provide the baby with essential vitamins and nutrients but can
also, help in the weight-loss process.
For example, the average mother will utilize somewhere between 500 calories and
800 calories a day producing milk for the baby. Not only will the baby receive the
health and nutrition that it needs, but it may also enable a woman to lose baby
fat a lot faster.
As you can probably already imagine, it is a lot easier to say that going to the gym
and cutting back on the amount of food that one needs is the easiest path to losing
weight. That being said, it's not really a practical option for many new mothers.
There are a lot of responsibilities associated with having a baby which requires a
a great deal of focus and effort.
There's certainly nothing wrong with trying to eat healthy food and attempting to
engage in some type of exercise on a regular basis. However, the point is that
breast-feeding can really augment a new mothers effort to lose weight.
Remember, as mentioned a moment ago, between 500 calories in 800 calories a
day is often consumed in the process of creating the milk that will be fed to the
Something that a lot of new mothers oftentimes do is try to interact with other
new mothers who find themselves dealing with a variety of similar challenges.
One of those challenges is losing some of the extra weight that is acquired as a
result of the pregnancy. Women oftentimes find it a lot easier to lose weight when
they are able to communicate their peers and anxieties with other women and to
support each other as they go about the process of shedding the extra pounds
put on during pregnancy.
In this regard, breastfeeding is a wonderful tool because he really doesn't require
any extra effort. It's just something that naturally happens. In addition to breastfeeding,
taking walks and making an effort to eat low-fat food can really start to
make a difference. As always, if in doubt, speak to your doctor to make sure that
you are doing what is best for your health as well as that of your new baby.
2.Drink Plenty Of Water
Drinking plenty of water is something else that can dramatically help a new
mother lose weight. How is this possible? And to be realistic, how much weight
can actually be lost using this method? Let's dig into this issue.
The very first thing you need to understand is that water has no calories
whatsoever. We are not talking about special water that you might buy at a
grocery store that contains sugar or other additives which contain calories. The
water we are referring to is the basic water that can come right from the tap.
You may be wondering why it is significant that water has no calories. When you
stop and think about it, we all need to drink something. Why drink a beverage
that contains calories if your goal is to lose baby fat? Most medical studies have
strongly suggested that the overwhelming majority of people will get all the
hydration that they need from the water. You don't need to drink sugary sodas to
become hydrated.
This raises the question of whether or not diet soda is a suitable alternative to
water. After all, the number of calories contained in diet soda can be extremely
low. What you need to remember is that a lot of scientists have concluded that
your body performs better and is less likely to develop problems related to excess
weight when you drink water. In addition, there are a lot of artificial sweeteners
that are used in various types of soft drinks. This could have a negative impact
on your baby assuming that you are breastfeeding.
Drinking water is not enough. You need to also make sure that you have the type
of lifestyle that will help you lose weight and keep it off. Considering the fact that
you are a relatively new mother, it may not really be practical for you to be
spending a lot of time at the gym or otherwise carefully following a very detailed
diet. However, it really helps if you can do a little bit of exercise every day. This
can have a dramatic impact on your ability to lose weight in conjunction with
drinking plenty of water and eating reasonable portions.
In the final analysis, women who are interested in losing weight after giving birth
to a baby need to take a multidimensional approach to solve the problem. This
will include drinking plenty of water, getting some exercise, and eating well.
Doing all these things will produce remarkable results.
3. Eat Well
Next, many women who are interested in losing baby fat after giving birth will
sometimes make the classic mistake of cutting back on the amount of food that
they consume in a manner that is unhealthy. In other words, it can actually be
counterproductive to eat dramatically fewer amounts of food if you are truly
interested in losing weight.
The reason why this can be so problematic is that your body will
automatically detect that an unusually lower amount of calories are being
consumed. This will typically result in a situation whereby your metabolism will
slow down. In essence, your body becomes far more efficient at being able to
process the calories you do consume and restricts the number of calories that are
burned throughout the day.
What this basically means for a new mother is that she will not experience the
type of weight loss she is expecting. By cutting back too much on the amount of
food that is being consumed, a woman who has just given birth can not only be
potentially affecting the health of her baby -- assuming she is breast-feeding a
baby -- but it is also causing a situation whereby her body will not shed as much
weight as she thinks it will.
Other downsides associated with restricting the number of calories you consume
include feeling tired, cranky, and not really having the energy to do things. This
also includes not really having sufficient amounts of energy to partake in
reasonable amounts of exercise that all health experts agree to be very beneficial
to losing weight.
The real solution in a situation like this is to make sure that you are eating well.
This is not to suggest that you should eat a bunch of junk food or otherwise
mistreat yourself by consuming vast quantities of food that really have nothing to
do with making sure that you are getting sufficient calories, vitamins, minerals.
The idea here is to instead fill yourself with the calories you need but not an
excessive amount of calories.
Finally, make sure that you engage in some type of exercise on a regular basis.
This can be something as simple as taking walks. What few new mothers realize
is that breastfeeding a baby can also help burn up to 800 calories per day. Eat
well, do some exercise, and consider breastfeeding your baby. All these things
will help you lose much of the extra weight that you accumulated after childbirth.
4. Hot Yoga
I already see the raised eyebrows! However, did you know that doing hot yoga
after pregnancy can not only help improve your psychological outlook but can
really have a lot of positive physical health benefits as well. Some of those positive
health benefits that are physical in nature include burning fat and losing weight.
As you may or may not know, Bikram yoga -- also known as hot yoga -- is a type
of yoga that is typically engaged upon within a very hot environment. More
fundamentally, when we talk about yoga we are talking about a series of
movements that help the body develop internal calmness which can be really
helpful for one's mental outlook while at the same time helping to expand one's
strength and flexibility.
When you combine these exercises with an incredibly warm environment --
typically around 95° -- you have a situation where a lot of calories can be burned
in a relatively short amount of time. That being said, it's also important to
understand that you will need to focus on doing other things that will help you
lose the baby fat Some of those other things include making sure that you are
eating healthy food. Never try to starve yourself. Your body will detect this and
become less likely to shed calories. Actually going into stingy mode.
You also want to make sure that you are doing reasonable amounts of
cardiovascular exercise. While it's certainly true that hot yoga will get your heart
rate higher -- it is not really a substitute for taking frequent walks that will
enable your heart to get some good exercise same time burning a lot of excesses
Don't forget that you really need to work on your posture to improve your body
image after pregnancy. Bikram yoga is a phenomenal way to not only improve
your posture and body image, but it will also really help you reduce the amount
of anxiety and stress you might be experiencing in your life. Giving birth to a
baby, while certainly a joyful experience, can also create a lot of anxiety and
stress. You owe it to yourself to spend some time focusing on your own health
and wellness.
If you have any questions about whether or not you are healthy enough to get
involved with any type of yoga activity, be sure to speak to your doctor. It only takes
a moment, but it helps make sure that you're not doing anything that will harm
5. Relax
Finally, far too many women want to try to lose the extra weight that they
accumulated during their pregnancy virtually overnight. While it's certainly
understandable that a woman would want to look the way she did before her
pregnancy began sooner rather than later -- it's important that there be a realistic
outlook on this process. After all, it takes approximately 9 months to gain the
weight associated with being pregnant. Do you really think it makes sense to
assume that most of the baby fat can be lost in nine days or less? Of course not!
Try to really relax and view this process as being something that will take at least
two months. The reason why you want to try to view this as a long-term project
stems largely from the fact that women who try to lose weight quickly
oftentimes find themselves feeling frustrated and upset by their apparent lack of
progress. It's not even a question of them not making progress -- they usually
are. But the progress is not fast enough to meet the unrealistic expectations that
they have put on themselves. And let us not forget you are also doing this while
caring for a newborn.
One of the easiest things that you can do is to set some very basic and realistic
goals for yourself. If you do not establish goals, it will be far too easy to simply
drift sideways and to assume that you're not really making any progress and to
feel more anxious and frustrated about the entire process of losing weight after
giving birth. Many medical experts indicate that losing approximately 2 pounds
every seven days is reasonable for most women.
When you do the math, that works out to losing approximately 16 pounds in two
months. While that may not be as much weight as you like to lose, you're giving
yourself a realistic benchmark. If you happen to lose more weight than that,
great. It should mean that baby fat is melting away! But try not to stress
yourself out over the process.
What many women fail to realize is that they can typically fall victim to something
called emotional eating if they find themselves feeling stressed out and anxious
over the weight-loss process. No woman wants to find herself in a situation
whereby she feel so stressed out and anxious that she does the very thing which
will sabotage your efforts -- eating excessive amounts of food.
So as this process is approached, try to relax and realize that it's going to take
some time to lose that baby fat.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Yoga and weight loss a new approach

In my previous post I finished talking about the questions one should ask himself/hershelf before starting a weight loss program.
If you have read all the related posts so far you understand how important our psychology is in our weight loss effort.
So is it possible for us to help ourshelves?
Recently I came across a new approach I hadn't heard before. 
It is known that yoga exercises can help body and mind mind but have you ever thought it can also help in weight loss?
Let us hear Katrina Love Senn a yoga teacher who lost over 60lbs without any drugs, diets or deprivation and have kept it off for over 10 years now:  yoga and weight loss

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Enjoy your weight loss program

There’s probably a good reason why you’re reading this and one of them is because you know that diets and exercise always turn out to be a lot of hard work.

 Further more, diet and exercise can often be hard to stick to because it gets boring pretty quickly…especially when you don’t see results as quickly as you would like to.

 What makes things worse is that we continually get lured into the latest fads that never actually work (low carbs, low fat and low calorie)…despite what the media, celebrities and adverts say.

 The other options are the pills and potions…which may be more effective, but they won’t keep you thin and certainly won’t help your overall health.

And because many diets are too strict and require you to eat bland and boring foods, it’s no wonder people are looking for something they can finally stick to, enjoy and see results as soon as possible.
 For more information on such a diet, check out 

Fat Loss for idiots

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Questions part 5 final

The same area of this question is tied in with the next two:
Are you comfortable expressing your feelings to others?
And Are you sensitive and concerned for the feelings of others.

Very often we are afraid of expressing how we feel to others in case they do not like it and react adversely. 
It is very common in marital situations where a couple can drift into a situation of mutually setting up taboo zones that are never approached, and they are not even explicitly decided between the couple. 
There is simply the awareness that x sparks off y so it's a lot safer and less troublesome to suppress x so it doesn't trigger the y reaction from the other. And what happens, not theoretically, but in reality? 
Two people become inauthentic cardboard cutouts, behind which the real individuals hide, never to expose themselves or become vulnerable.  Real people are vulnerable people. Life doesn't come with absolute guarantees, but if your self esteem is high then you know that it is safe to allow yourself to be vulnerable – especially in the unique setting of a marriage. This is also called living with passion. Most marriages can drift into such a stale and moribund state  of lifelessness and habit that it becomes stressful in its own right – bored to death. 
Again, it takes two to tango, and opening up the communications between a couple allows both to emerge from behind the cardboard cutouts and draw a bottom line on the past.
Now is now, ahead has yet to be written. But live in the past and it completely masks the present and obscures the future into invisibility other than as a sense that it will be more of the same.

Do you let go of unhappy thoughts?

 We are creatures of habit and this includes our thinking. We tend to run old thoughts over and over again on neurological tapes loops and every time, they produce the same old feelings. 
It's a very impotent position to put yourself in and a relatively simple one to disconnect. Memories are permanent – they are encoded in our neurology for life, but what isn't fully realized is that you can disconnect the emotional content of a memory so it becomes a dry husk and simply fades back in long term memory never to trouble again. 

No one can oblige you to relinquish these old and rancid thoughts that keep repeating. But it is worth asking yourself what useful purpose they serve in your future new healthier, lighter life. Keep this rag bag of mischief and it can sabotage and block your progress.

Do you understand that mistakes are only `misses'? 

This is another thing that is relatively new training over the last 50 years or so.
Particularly in schools onwards. Mistakes are seen as failures and failure has the ring of doom about it. 
Dieters are well accustomed to the idea of failure as diet after diet doesn't give them what they want. Mistakes are seen as evidence of incompetence and defectiveness
and something to be feared at all costs. 
And this fear allows in something called the curse of perfectionism that says that only 100% counts and anything less is regarded as failure. 
Which is humanly impossible and guarantees that life will be a very rocky ride where fear and anger will alternate at the steering wheel.
There is no such thing as failure, there is only an outcome'. 
In other words, whatever action you engage in will produce a result or outcome. Nothing more, nothing less. The outcome will either be very closer to the one you anticipated or some distance away. 
This is NOT a failure, merely an indication that you need to course correct, adjust what you did and try again. Then assess that outcome and, if needed re-adjust what you
did, based on what you learned from the previous attempt. Until you have the outcome that closest matches what you sought originally.
Now, this isn't some sort of wacky way of glamorizing `failure' . It is, in fact, the way humans MUST learn. By making mistakes and trying again. And this is something most people have long forgotten because far off in childhood, you learned by trial and error and making mistake after mistake.
 As for instance when a youngster first learns to crawl and then to walk. It doesn't happen overnight; it can take weeks or even months before the repeated efforts and mistakes pay off, and the outcome is that mum has mobile trouble around the house.
 All human creativity is based on making mistakes a learning mechanism, assessing what was done, adjusting and repeating in a zig zag of progress towards a desired outcome. This is inflexible and wired in.
Unfortunately the crazy modern world tries to over-ride this and install the virtues of failure! Or rather install the virtue of regarding mistakes as failure and therefore a bad thing. 
We are trained to buy into this nonsense and it allows fear to dictate what we attempt or do not attempt, and in the process it sets the seeds of an unwanted outcome because we are trained to live without passion, and we are trained to `try' without any underlying belief that we can `do'.

Do you take responsibility for your actions? 

Another major area of minefields, quicksand and thin ice. Many avoid any hint of possibility of accepting responsibility by devolving this onto others. It was my genes, my background, my environment, my parents, my lack of opportunity or talent and so on. Rubbish. 
All this plays a part. However, it is also transformable by you. You are born, you are raised within a family, and then the real business of life begins as an independent adult. You have no responsibility for the circumstances of your birth, or the quality of your parenting – these were circumstances outside your control.
 But however good or however unpromising the early beginning, as an adult, you get handed the keys to the door of life, and after that, it is your responsibility and no body else’s. Unless you hand over responsibility to other people and other circumstances to take over responsibility for your life.
 In which case this is a choice, a perfectly valid choice, and the outcome is that you get the level of results you chose for. Others are running your life for you, and you accept what they produce. Or not! You can make a quantum leap into changing things around by accepting responsibility for yourself – your thoughts, your feelings, your actions. It is a change of mind set, and no, it doesn't create an instant new wonderful life in the
twinkling of an eye and a flash of sparks. 
It is once again setting a foundation stone upon which you can learn to build, by the human process of making mistakes and accepting full responsibility.
And finally:

 Do you allow yourself to be different from others? 

This ties in with some of the other questions and yet enlarges them. 

Are you afraid to be authentically you? 

You are uniquely different to every other human being on the planet, after all. If you do not like and respect yourself, then its likely that fear will draw you into the line of least resistance, and that means the herd instinct. You will be afraid to live as an individual and will be more likely to allow your life to be dictated by what everyone else does, and follow trends. 
Those who have worked step by step on their emotions, their feelings, their behavior, their outcomes will have a full and satisfying life and they will have a healthy level of self esteem. So they will not have a problem in saying `I am me and I am proud to be me' and stand out from the herd. They won't permit others to dictate their thoughts and feelings, they won't permit others to prevent them from living a full and happy life, and they won't permit others to put them in a nice safe box where that risky business of life is excluded.
Before you even think about the practical matters of how to lose weight, and the nutritional factors that go with it, these are the sorts of questions it is essential to ask yourself – and answer fully, and if necessary on paper.
1)What new difficulty will arise when I lose weight. Will I encounter a problem that lay behind a valid need for the protective barrier of fat?
2)What old pain or trauma have I neglected to work through or heal?  How often do I eat to avoid the feelings associated with old issues?
3)If there is one thing in my past that I most want to avoid, what would it be?
4)What uncomfortable feelings do I avoid the most – specifically naming the feelings. How often do I use food to numb or change my feelings?
5)How comfortable will I be with the new thinner me?
6)Do I appreciate all the things I can do and I am capable of doing? Do I appreciate my own uniqueness as an individual?
7)Do I understand the importance of being my own best friend, and irrespective of religion, understand the message of love thy neighbor AS THYSELF?
8)Do I pay attention to my feelings, listen to them and try to
understand what they are telling me of value?
9)Am I comfortable openly expressing my feelings to others or do I hide my true feelings for fear of rejection, adverse reaction or not being loved? Am I sensitive to the feelings of others?
10)Do I let go of unhappy thoughts or do I tend to store up greater and greater levels of emotional baggage of the past that serves no useful purpose either in the present or in my future?
11)Do I understand that mistakes are not failure but just learning feedback, and nothing to be afraid of?
12)Do I accept self responsibility as far as my thoughts, my feelings and my behavior are concerned – as an independent adult?
13)Am I willing to allow myself to be different, and not to be
fettered by what everyone else thinks or does?

Questions part 4

Here is part 4:
So, you have this unique capacity to make a contribution to life that no one else can make, and its starts with yourself. By Learning to recognize all that you are capable of doing, all that you have done, all your talents and skills, and learning to celebrate your uniqueness. 
Do you understand the importance of being your own best friend? This is best understood in the light of the Christian commandment that says `love thy neighbor, as thyself'. 
If you don't have the second part, you cannot fulfill the first part either because you'll be running on empty with nothing to give to others because you have nothing to give to yourself. Apart from grief. 
If you live in a state of fear and self loathing, then every single one of your body cells is going to be in a state of stress overload. It is going to be a `global state of anarchy' in the 40 billion body cells, and this means, at the bottom line that just about every cell process and body process is going to be out of balance. 
Your digestive system will be inefficient because this is one of the first things that closes down under intense stress. So your intake of essential nutrients will decline, and you'll have shortages of some which are needed in excess to cope with the increased demands. 
Your hormonal systems will be thrown out of balance, and some of the body chemicals that keep you upbeat will be either in short supply or production closed down. Increasing the tendency towards anxiety and depressive states – something which quickly turns into a set of vicious circles spiraling downwards into despair and paralysis.
 Loving yourself isn't some form of corny new age exhortation but a very practical process, and one that can be summed up by learning to be your own best friend. This is something you understand because you have friends and you make an effort for them. 
By learning that you matter, you are unique and you deserve equally, you can make a start by adapting the ways in which you relate to your external best friends to the way in which you relate to yourself. 
You don't put your friends down constantly, you support them and encourage them, and get excited by the good things that happen in their lives, and enjoy their company and their warmth, love and friendship towards you. 
Well, apply the same methodology to yourself and see what a difference it makes in transforming your own inner and outer life. Do you pay attention to your feelings? Well, highly likely. If most of the feelings you experience in life are of a less than positive nature, you probably spend a lot of time running away from your feelings, or trying to avoid them. 
Or numbing them by emotionally based eating habits. Or by using drugs of a social nature or a medication nature. The simple fact of life is that we have these things called emotions that talk back to us via feelings, and there is no way of evicting them or locking them up so they have no part to play. 
You might try to mask them with medication, or you might try to anaesthetize them with food, but you almost certainly know by past practical experience that it does not work. 
All the feelings are valid, all have essential roles to play in our lives, and all the emotions are, ultimately, if sometimes misguidedly, very protective. But here again, feelings are not a subject on the school curriculum and they are just taken for granted. It's a straightforward choice.
 You can leave things as they are and have your emotions running your life haphazardly and ineffectively – because this is not their true role – or you can start to pay attention and learn a little bit more of what your feelings tell you. 
It is a very sophisticated and accurate guidance system that operates at its best in an advisory capacity. So not something to be feared. If you are afraid of something, it's a message to your conscious awareness. 
What is subcon trying to tell you. What danger has it perceived ahead? Its not trying to cripple you but say to you `look out, I don't like the look of this'. And for 999/1000 fears of a non-life threatening nature, this is all that fear is intended to do. 
The matter then rests with you because you are in charge of analysis and decision making. So that's why we say loud and clear, that you should take the time to get close to emotions and understand what they are doing for you, and then work with them in this dual format of advisor and advised. 
This too is a familiar everyday process. If you are in charge of a group, you explain what you want done, you make sure all the resources are there and you assist in the process and remain in 2 way communication and contact, ready to step in where needed. And you pay attention to the feedback and the results. 
It's the same for you , a very familiar everyday process applied not externally, but internally with your inner `team'. Nothing stops you talking to yourself, aloud or in thoughts. In fact, you do it constantly without paying attention. 
And almost invariably if you do pay attention, you'll realize that a lot of our thoughts run in pattern groups of a very negative and derogatory and weakening nature. These are not fixed for all time, and nothing stops you stepping in and changing the nature of the self talk from put down to positively encouraging and supportive.. 
You can use other tools like anchors, collapse of anchors, swish pattern, war horse, etc, to alter habitual thinking patterns that create less than helpful feelings that have no secondary gains involved. This isn't difficult but a matter of reading the tool sheets and using them until you are happy with your level of familiarity and competence. 
Some can pick up anchoring in a jiffy, others might need a couple of weeks to play around and practice. continues...

Questions part 3

Sorry to have kept you waiting for the next part in the questions that can help you in your fight against weight.
I will continue from the point I stopped:

The simple fact is that at this moment you might weigh 300 pounds, when a healthy body range is half this figure. So what? 
You weight 300 pounds, and this is a fact of life right now. It won't go away simply because you get angry or desperate or nauseous. Not yet. The first act in weight loss is that of accepting the status quo as the
bottom line – the foundation level. 

I weigh 300 pounds, and this is what forms my project with myself. I may weight this now, and I intend to change it downwards. This way you have something non-vague and concrete to start with. 
 Not worrying about what you weighed ten years ago, or might weigh ten years in the future, but looking at that figure now and saying `OK, this is what the reality is right now, and right now is where I start to go to work on changing my own reality'. 
No emotional traumas involved, but you have put in that defining line that says, this is A and Z lies down the road a bit. 
 So we can move on to the next set of questions that will lighten the darkness and mystery surrounding your weight, and allow you to move on. 
Self esteem isn't one aspect but a composite of many elements. 
Do you appreciate all the things you can do? 
Probably not. In most of modern society with traditional approaches, the dictum that the meek will inherit the earth seems to apply in a peculiarly twisted and distorted form. 
We are not encouraged to celebrate our achievements because it is considered vain, egotistical and lacking in modesty, and nor are we trained very often to accept and appreciate compliments paid by others. 
If anything we are taught to self sabotage at the very area where self sabotage is guaranteed to work perfectly – the subconscious that is universally ignored. 
It isn't a matter of big-headed boasting and bragging in a spirit of self conceit – which is very often the hall mark of a seriously defective self-esteem in the first place.
 It is a matter of appreciating your talents, appreciating your efforts, encouraging yourself, praising yourself along the way, and celebrating your contributions to life. 
And this is not immodest. Look at any successful person around you, look at any successful sportsman, or sports team, in particular, because the concept of teamwork is central to the village. They do not go out pre-programmed to fail by sabotaging themselves before they begin. And when they do achieve something, they appreciate it, and give themselves due credit. 
This feeds back through the subconscious mechanisms to produce very positive feelings that are going to carry them forward in the future and meanwhile make the present a very pleasant time to exist. Its called living with passion!! Not existing in a dozy half dead state of unawareness. 
Life is one of the potentially most exciting experiences you can possibly have, and there are few limitations other than those you impose on yourself. Or you can reduce it to an ordeal to be endured. 
Take an example: how often have you seen the question posed socially `and who are you?' To which the answer comes `Oh, I'm just a housewife'. 
A definition of a person as a role, and a role that is condensed to a self put down rather than a celebration of yourself and your many talents and capabilities as a whole. 
You are not your thoughts, you are not your feelings, you are not a body mass of bone and muscle, you are a great deal more and you merely inhabit the vehicle of the body. 
So if you start to look at all the things you are capable of doing, rather than all the things you get wrong in life, you'll discover that you are far greater than you ever allowed yourself to see, and you are a totally unique individual. 
You have the family traits, you have the family genetic make-up, but you are a completely unique individual and no one who has ever lived or ever will live will ever be identical to you.
see you next time....

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Questions part 2

If you remember my last post in December I mentioned about some questions that can help you in ytour fight against weight.
Today here is the second part. (i decided to post this article i found some years ago in a yahoo group if i remember because its too big to read and use in one shot- i will try to find where and post it here, i don't want anyone to tell me i used their work as it was my own).
So here you are:
The third question is more direct: if there is ONE thing in my past that I most want to avoid, what would it be? 
An environment, a specific situation, a way of life, a person or type of person, a risk factor or outcome suggested for behavior or habits?
Four deals with the uncomfortable feelings that you most want to avoid. How often do you use food to number or change that feeling?  Does fear rule your life? Or anger? Or guilt? 

Subconscious is always life-directed, but through the misguided, illogical, subconscious processes going

on,there is a misunderstanding about a perceived risk or danger, and a feeling such as fear can be used to deter you from approaching situations, people or environments the subconscious perceives to be
dangerous for you.

 If you isolate the most uncomfortable and powerful
feelings that run your life, then you know which emotions need the most urgent attention to discover what they are trying to do for you and why. Uncover this, and then you can make changes that keep all safe and yet free you to move on.

Fifth: How comfortable will I really be with the `new me' that significant weight loss will create? This again may seem like a daft question, but if you are honest, you'll cotton on that very often your entire thinking was directed towards the loathing of being fat,
and the desperate effort to lose weight. But the outcome was given only lip service. It would be nice to lose weight! 

That has no impetus, no pulling power and to a certain extent this is understandable because those who have been through many attempts to
lose weight may not actually believe that they are capable of losing weight. 

Hope and desperation will pull them into the next attempt and the next, but the underlying situation is one of doubt. So, it's a bit of a lottery, and as with the national lottery, the prize seems exciting but its improbable, a nice day dream that doesn't need any
definition as to what difference winning will make in a life. 

With weight it is often much the same. The outcome is very insubstantial and hazy in the aspects that matter. You won't have the protective layer of fat. So unless you have taken care of the existing reasons
for being overweight, you are not entering a state of happiness but a state of emotional chaos when you lose weight.

Even if you HAVE addressed these reasons, it is still essential that you realize that you will experience new feelings, new emotional states that will make
a difference in your day to day life. They may be good feelings, but they may also be new and unfamiliar feelings – and we have a tendency to resist and be nervous about change and the new.

If your body was simply a cellular machine, then it would be relatively simple to adjust the food supply up or down to cause a corresponding change in weight. All your dieting experiences tell you that this is not the case, and if it were, you would have successfully lost weight and kept it off. 
So, it is necessary to start looking at the area of self esteem and how it matters.
`self esteem is a confidence in yourself and your capabilities'. If you have never considered that
there is more to what goes on than your conscious thinking and these weird feelings that plague your life, it's a fair bet that your confidence is likely to be somewhat dented and you may feel that you
have few capabilities other than one for making mistakes and failing.
If you loathe your body and are afraid of it, then your self esteem is not going to be high.

The simplistic process does work a little along these lines: Your thoughts affect your feelings and your feelings are going to influence your actions. There is more to it than this because it doesn't include the filters of beliefs, standards, values, ethics,
etc through which thoughts are filtered to allow them to match the composite of what, who and how you perceive yourself to be.

The key
word demo is designed to illustrate this process practically and show
you that thoughts and words do impact on subcon and do work very
precisely to cause an effect. You are not going very far, very fast,
if all your thinking is doubtful, fearful, hedging your bets against
the underlying belief that you'll fail again unless some miracle
happens, and you certainly won't get far if you don't like yourself.

One point about this last is that it isn't something that happens
instantly and overnight. There isn't a magic trick or pill that
suddenly deletes low self esteem and replaces it  with high self
esteem. Like anything else its an accumulative learning experience
and it has to start somewhere. A good and vital start point is
acceptance of the status quo.

Now this is often misunderstood as an appeal to reason that you must
suddenly start to love your bulges and fat layers. While it would be
enormously helpful if this were possible or likely, it isn't, and
acceptance in our terms means something else entirely.

If you want to build a house and you have bought a plot of land that
is sandy, its not a firm basis for erecting a structure that may
weigh many tons, even hundreds of tons. Sooner rather than later it
will start to lean, sag, and break up. So, the first practical part
of house building is to dig in a firm foundation that will support the
building you erect above and allow it to stand true and firm, maybe
for many centuries.

Building your weight loss foundation is a matter of accepting the
status quo as an existing fact of life. This is my present reality
that I weigh `X'. No other emotional comments needed. Wailing about
it won't change a gramme. Raging about it won't change a gramme. But
engaging in these futile bouts of self hating and self abusive
wailing about being fat CAN very adeptly take your stress levels up
to a pitch that will destroy ANY possibility of losing weight.
