Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our planet a global village!

This collection comes from different cultures, different ages and
different people and if anything, is once again a
reminder that despite the differences the planet is a global village
where there are more points of common contact than differences
between us.

A man holding a basket of eggs does not dance on stones.
--African Buji Proverb (Nigeria)

He who treads the Path in earnest
Sees not the mistakes of the world;
If we find fault with others
We ourselves are also in the wrong.
When other people are in the wrong, we should ignore it,
For it is wrong for us to find fault.
By getting rid of this habit of fault-finding
We cut off a source of defilement.
When neither hatred nor love disturb our mind
Serenely we sleep.
--Buddhism Sutra of Hui Neng 2

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged.
  For with what judgment
ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it
shall be measured to you again.
--Christianity Matthew 7:1-2

Confucius said, "The gentleman calls attention to the good
points in others; he does not call attention to their defects.
The small man does just the reverse of this."
--Confucianism Analects 12.16

Take oneself to task instead of putting faults on others.
--The Gayan of Hazrat Inayat Khan

Judge not they neighbor until thou hast stood in his place.
--Judaism Talmud, Mishnah, Abot 2.5 a saying of Hillel

Great Spirit, Let me not criticize another until I have walked a
mile in his moccasins.
--Native American

We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.
--Maya Angelou

We are all flowers in the Great Spirit's garden.  We share a
common root.  The garden is beautiful because it has different
colors in it, and those colors represent different traditions
and cultural backgrounds.
--Grandfather David Monongye, Hopi

He felt frightened at being different from his brothers and
sisters. It scared him to be different.
--E. B. White

People have one thing in common:  They are all different.
--Robert Zend, Writer, Cited in BITS & PIECES

The primary false notion-the illusion-of human nature is that
people are the same.
--M. Scott Peck, THE DIFFERENT DRUM, p. 173

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